A multilingual information processing specialist working across the document chain, STAR Paris is the partner of choice for major industrial companies aiming to optimise quality, cost and lead times for their document-related activities, on an international scale.

STAR Paris adopts an industrial approach to multilingual documentation. This maximises the use of precious resources by employing distinctive expertise in organisation, processes and tools.

STAR Paris strives to find and bring together the best skills available on the market, and to build their loyalty. This take place within a flexible, dynamic business structure, framed by a quality policy designed to maximise value creation for all stakeholders.

The management at STAR Paris is committed to a quality procedure which is certified to ISO 9001 V 2015. This places the customer at the heart of all operational and decision-making processes.

To ensure this, STAR Paris implements a Quality Policy which is rich, varied and dynamic, involving its staff at all levels, and focussed on the following key areas:

▲ Listening to the customer to better understand its present and future needs, and to meet these whilst complying with the requirements of applicable regulations
▲ Availability of Human and Material Resources to create an environment conducive to the achievement of our objectives
▲ Involvement of staff by fostering a culture of responsibility and motivation
▲ Analysis of all the data and information that we hold, to guarantee sound decision-making
▲ Taking the Risks and Opportunities linked to our activity into consideration

Our main objectives linked to this strategy are based on:

▲ optimising our services to our customers,
▲ increasing the profitability of and returns from STAR Paris‘s activity by optimising the various processes,
▲ ensuring the involvement and well-being of all personnel within the company,
▲ continuous improvement by monitoring internal and external corrective and preventive actions,
▲ developing the growth of our activity with new customers,
▲ assuring a reasonable level of growth in turnover to guarantee a sustainable future for STAR Paris, whilst ensuring we provide the same quality services to our customers and the same respectful working conditions for our staff.

These objectives are quantified and detailed within our different departments .

I am personally committed to developing this process to ensure a constant improvement in Quality. I am confident that everyone will do their utmost to ensure that these commitments are upheld

Aline Gruet